Friday, March 13, 2009


昨天晚上凌晨1点多,如往常一样,一启动电脑,就有数不尽的垃圾广告邮件。其中一封发自PAsion Card 的各个商家促销广告邮件,邮件内的其中一个商家的促销形式,让我非常的激愤,更不能坐以待仓鼠毙,因此,与生俱来就非常爱护动物的我,立刻忍无可忍,凌晨两点钟给农糧与兽医局和防止虐待动物协会写了一封电邮,希望还来得及救救一群无辜的小仓鼠。。。

有“某”一家动物食品商家,打算给PAsion Card 的会员,在购买了25元的产品后,就可以带回一只活泼可爱的小仓鼠!天啊,好多没责任的宠物主人,即使用了整千元,购买来的可爱的小狗,但是仅仅过了一两年,玩腻了之后,也会毫无感觉的把它们给抛弃,变成了心灵与身躯都受创伤的流浪狗,最后很多都走向人道毁灭的可怜地步,更何况是一只不用钱满回来,免费赠送的小仓鼠!





Dear Sir

I read this PASSION card promotion advertisement with great anger and sadness. I do not know what business ideas Singaporeans have. In business line, we can promote any products, give great discounts or even buy-one get one free, but it is definitely cruel and irresponsible to give away a live pet FREE, if one have purchased a certain amount of items. This might even be illegal. How can this be allowed especially as a PAssion card promotion? I might be wrong, but I believe that the PAssion Card is issued by the People's Association, a branch of the Singapore Government.

The person who came up with this promotion idea for sales of pet food, should be kind enough to reconsider the fate of the poor little animal which they are given away free.

As a pet lover, I am strongly against such uncivilised activities from happening in Singapore. People might easily misuse this type of inhumane promotion and torture the FREE unfortunate hamster after bringing it home.

From my experience of keeping pets for the past 20 years, I know that buying $25 worth of pet products is really a very small amount. This means that any customer can easily bring home a few poor hamsters to do whatever they want to do. People who spend a few hundred or even thousands of dollars on buying a pet can also subquently ended up abandon it without any feeling, let alone for something that came free?? Before we find a lot of dead hamsters being thrown in the dustbin, I would really hope that SPCA, or any related Departments, can take immediate action to stop this "cruel commercial promotion".

I am also worried that the promoter has already bred many poor hamsters for the purposes of this promotion to be given away free... If this inhumane commercial activity is being allowed and encouraged, I will not be surprised if the next promotion will be anyone getting a live rabbit for free upon spending of $50.

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