今天,趁着空闲时间把它拿出来,想了个图案,兴高采烈的要施展我的艺术才华(开个玩笑,我连画个苹果也有问题!),谁知道,翻开后面的说明书一看,真是把我吓了一跳。我开始怀疑自己的英文程度,怎么我怎么样看,怎么样分析,还是看不懂那说明书到底葫芦里卖什么药,心里真的越看越纳闷。或许你会说,不明白,那查字典去吧。甭说啦,查什么字典,整张说明书,没一个字看不懂,查字典干嘛?令我更啼笑皆非的是,这个产品明明写着 Made in China,干嘛却没中文说明书呢?当然英文说明书是最方便我们使用,可是天啊,为什么今天我没有办法看得懂这短短的数十个英文字呢!
Jewelry Seal
1. Please remove dirty and dust on the surface when stick.
2. Please tear the cell-phone which stick the back of the sticker
3. After stick on the cell-phone, it needs 30 minutes that sticker could totally fixed.
*Take down it from paper card and please pay attention to not being injured.
When sticker is assaulted by brute force, acrylic will come off from the cell-phone. Please take down carefully.
It is not the products stuck on the skin directly. The person with sensitive skin will cause skin it ching and inflammation. So please don't stick it on the skin directly.
Please place the products on the place where children be unable to get.
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