Friday, November 23, 2007



五年来,我对她一点也不了解,只知道她拥有一个普遍到极点的名字 -- Susan. 这名字,在新加坡,没有五万个,也有三万个。至于真正姓什么,名什么,我却完全不知,我也没想过去问。

在我心里,她似乎是个神秘女郎,三十多四十岁,感情生活, 她从来只字不提,生活漂泊不定,时常新马,甚至国外到处跑。在建筑行业里浮浮沉沉好多年,每一次见到她,总觉得她眉宇间锁着解不开的愁,眼神永远那么忧郁,即使是笑容也带着丝丝的无奈。

有一个时期,我对她的加入MLM (多层销售)行业感到很不能认同,但是,她一直以来都特别尊重我,从来没开口招募我加入,更绝对不会叫我买她的产品。。。出乎意料之外,很快地,她退出了,她醒了, 她感觉被某一些以金钱至上的朋友蒙骗了。
清楚记得我们上一次的见面是在2006年的5月尾,在Suntec City的一个商展摊位。








Anonymous said...

Hi Susannah,

I am Yin Fung. How are you?I am so joyful that susan has met someone and got married. I wish her well. She may not remember me coz i sat in her car once for a ride home after a karoke session organized by Mr Tan the new owner of Heartstrings at Chinatown. I was very impressed by her.

Yin Fung regards,

susannah said...

Hi yin fung,

It was "yesterday"! i really hope that all our past happiness can be "yesterday once more", however, there is always up and down in our life, we have to look at the brighter side, and, move on. I do wish you find you love one, in the near future. Keep in touch, join us, call us, and, email us.
Friendship is forever.

Anonymous said...

Hi Susannah,

My name is Susan Ong, I was so surprised and feel so touched when my small card appeared in your blog and how you described me. My tears started dropping and I stunning in front of my laptop for half an hour. Sue, I'm very proud to get to know you, even you not even know me well. But I learned a lot from you, your humble, sincerity, friendly, intelligency, good leadership, good organiser, good multi-tasking, active & energitic.....

I love Chinese cultural and Chinese Character. I'm not well in writing blogs, but I do write dairy in Chinese to train my handwriting. Your blog is so useful for me.

Thank you for your regards. I went thro a lot of good n bad experienced in my life, so I'm very cherish anyone I knew. I hope I dun disappointed you. Dun worry, I'm fine here.


Hi Yin Fung

Of course I did forget you, you are staying at Bukit Merah. It is a bit shamed that I don't have 2nd chance to meet you. I still remembered the group of peoples at karaoke. Do you remember Christina's "boyfriend" - John joined us in that karaoke? I used to see him at Serangoon Garden hawker centre, he was selling YuoTiao there with family, he recognised me too. Dun surprise, I still remember the yoga group and Kota Tinggi trip. Friendship to me is forever, you may email me at
