小强其实并不小,哇,算起来五十有一嘞。哈哈,人家说,这个年纪的人最活跃,我不清楚嘛,要问他才懂。今天晚上,我的选择,到了非常有历史的名香福建酒楼。有几年没去那儿吧,以为是蛮不错的,可是出乎意料之外,菜肴没有改进,还是一般的煮法,看来这些菜色比较适合年老一辈吧,哈哈,因为年轻的爱恋,顺心,祯祯都好像 吃得很不习惯。
可是,相聚是非常开心的时刻,好久没见到顺心,哇,长到1。78米高,一表人才, 能言善道,好不错的一位年轻人。
饱尝了福建菜,意犹未尽,又到了克拉码头咖啡馆享受咖啡。爱恋还带了手提电脑,把国庆日拍下的精彩璀璨的烟花给我们展示一番(因为国庆那几天我们上了 云顶嘛)。爱恋还送了我们两个可爱的‘艺摇’娃娃。看,多可爱, “艺摇”居然自己要了一杯咖啡呢,哈哈。
好久都没看这么多中文字了! 不辛苦可是却花了我好一段时间一次过把整个blog, 一字不漏的读完! 要不是某某人的介绍还不知道这一位(好像是我认识的。。。)乐龄太太经常在网上写日记! 越扯越远, 其实我想comment 的是有关家庭聚会!
不知道是因为现代生活太压力所以造成每一个人都非常紧张的过他们的每一天,没有太多时间和家人有适当的沟通和联系还是忙只是一个借口。 我想着只有您自己知道。 因为我深信,如果您有心,不管多忙,还是能抽出时间和家人,亲戚联系。
小强应该是您的家庭成员之一吧! 如此看来,这个生日聚餐应该是您一手策划的吧! 我相信您也是大忙人一位! 当今社会,还有人不忙吗??? 可是,您却在百忙之中抽出时间来安排聚会,我想您的家人都会非常地感动。
对我而言,到哪里去享用晚餐之类的琐碎细节,其实都不重要。 重要的是大家能够坐在一起,有说有笑的谈近来周围发生过的事,让大家了解自己的境况。 然后再想一想下次,设么时候再聚一聚。
不过看起来,你们昨晚,每一位出席的人都非常的开心哦, 其实我不用想也不用猜,我知道,大家都开很心! 因为。。。 (我在场吗?哈哈!)
在此,我也祝愿小强这一位值得我尊敬的长辈 - 生日快乐,身体健康,心想事成! 年年有今日,岁岁有今朝!
English translation for u people out there who have a hard time understanding chinese (like me!)
In the nutshell, I'm commenting on family gatherings.
Either its due to the fact that we people are getting more and more tied up with their own business (be it work, studies, et cetra) nowadays leaving us no time to interact and communicate with your family. Or having no time (being busy) is only a lame excuse for such interactions! I suppose, only you yourself know better! In my opinion, if you treasure your family, its never a problem to make time for them.
Anyway, I believe that "Xiao Qiang" is a very close family member of yours and thus, this little birthday gathering must have been initiated by you! Don't tell me, you have too much time on hand and thus, you could go about getting everyone together, because I doubt anyone in this 21st century isn't BUSY! I'm sure all your family members were moved by your gesture and they sure appreciate it very much!
To me, details like where to eat, when to gather aren't that important at all. What meant alot is that all of you enjoyed yourselves trememdously, feeling comfortable and at ease while catching up and hopefully each gathering will end with brainstorming on when is it going to be the next best time to meet up again! In this way, there'll always be something to look forward to!
From what I gather, all who were there last night had alot of fun! I just know! Why? Hmm... could it be the fact that I'm one of those who's present??? Maybe, ha ha!
Last but not least, from the bottom of my heart, I wish "Xiao Qiang" - a very respectable elderly of mine a very happy birthday, may good health be with him always and stay joyful!
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