Thursday, September 28, 2006



30 (从你留言中得知你的年龄),对我来说,似乎已经是很遥远以前的事。虽然我时常会回头望,可是,我却永远也不能回头走。过去的日子,跌过,爬起过,泪过,也笑过。随着岁月的轮子,很快的把我推到了今天。过去的日子,我得到了很多,可是,同时也失去了最爱我,关心我的亲人。你说的很对,唯一能够安慰已经离我们而去的亲人,就是更努力的向前看,因为他们也在冥冥中用爱心看着我们。





Thank you for sharing my comments with your readers. I appreciate that very much.

Perhaps, let me reinforce the message I wish to pass on and that is, like what you have mentioned "cherish what you have".

Now that both my maternal grandparents is gone (my grandfather left us 3 months after my grandmother). I've learnt to focus on what we have and not too much on what we have lost.

Ms Susannah, I probably would not be able to relate the pain you are going through. Afterall, you've lost a mom. A mother to any children is always a very important figure. Especially since your mom was an extremely loving and responsible woman. But bear in mind that while you grieve, don't forget to cherish who you have right now. And love them with all your heart so as not to regret later on like I did.

Also, no matter where your mom, my grandmother is right now. I am positively sure that she would want her family to be doing well. Although gone, her spirits stay, forever... She'll live in our hearts, forever... Fond memories of her will be with us, forever...

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